อ้างอิง ของ เหตุเอ็มวี เซว็อลจม

  1. เหยื่อเฟอร์รีล่มนอกฝั่งเกาหลีใต้ manager.co.th
  2. scores missing as S. Korea ferry sinks focus-fen.net/
  3. 1994 in Japan news.khan.co.kr/
  4. Issue 20-year-old sunken hulk years news.ichannela.com
  5. Before the turn, a possibility of prior structural damage... the sudden turn and the cargo piling appears to have combined (in Korean)] news.hankooki.com
  6. Ferry to Jeju english.visitkorea.or.kr
  7. The capsized Sewol, built by a ship company in 1994 news.khan.co.kr
  8. Becomes 100th Passenger Vessel Lost Since 2002 ewallstreeter.com
  9. South Korea ferry: Hundreds missing as ship sinks bbc.com/
  10. BECOMES 100TH PASSENGER VESSEL LOST SINCE 2002 ewallstreeter.com/
  11. เรือเกาหลีใต้ล่ม! หายร่วม 300 ชีวิต prachachat.net/
  12. "South Korean shipwreck survivors: Passengers told 'don't move' as ship sank" CNN.com
  13. Sewol's bow only 1m remaining above water w3.sbs.co.kr
  14. Sewol completely submerged under the surface yonhapnews.co.kr
  15. South Korea ferry: Messages from a sinking ship bbc.co.uk
  16. Police say the "SNS 'I'm alive' messages are all fake" (Compiled) yonhapnews.co.kr
  17. "Hundreds of high school students feared dead after ferry carrying 475 people rolls and sinks off South Korea" National Post (Canada.com)
  18. the cause of the accident news.khan.co.kr/
  19. Jin-do ferry capsize Military, navy went to investigate but regretfully asiatoday.co.kr
  20. Search Continues for Missing After South Korean Ferry Sinks voanews.com
  21. "South Korean ferry disaster: Captain 'abandoned ship while passengers told to stay below" telegraph.co.uk
  22. Human Error Suspected as Hope Fades in Korean Ferry Sinking nytimes.com
  23. Sunken Korea ferry relatives give DNA swabs to help identify dead in.reuters.com
  24. Civilian Diver Taking Part in Sewol Search Efforts Dies
  25. Death toll rises to 281 in South Korea ferry tragedy


WikiPedia: เหตุเอ็มวี เซว็อลจม http://asiancorrespondent.com/121700/live-sewol-fe... http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27045512 http://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/16/world/asia/south... http://ewallstreeter.com/sewol-becomes-th-passenge... http://ewallstreeter.com/sewol-becomes-th-passenge... http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/society/201404/h201... http://news.ichannela.com/society/3/03/20140416/62... http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/04/16/frantic-pa... http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/18/world/asia/south... http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/04/19/korea-shi...